Disney+’s original series “Moving” has released new stills from Mi-hyun (Han Hyo-joo) and Doo-shik (Jo In-sung)’s cherry blossom walk and Namsan tonkatsu date in episodes 8 and 9, which premiere on August 16.
First, the stills from the cherry blossom date show Mi-hyun and Doo-shik walking through a park with cherry blossoms in full bloom with a slightly awkward but reminiscent look on their faces. The couple’s shy glances at each other amidst the white cherry blossom trees that light up the dark night are romantic enough to make anyone’s heart flutter. They walk at a moderate distance, and even though they don’t have much skin in the game, they naturally capture the feelings of a couple who are just starting to feel attracted to each other.

Furthermore, their nervous date at a pork cutlet shop in Namsan, a very special place for the two of them, also draws attention. In episodes 8 and 9 of Moving, which will be released on the 16th, we will see Han Hyo Joo and Jo In Sung gradually fall in love with each other. Their affectionate romance, which began as an assignment for Deputy Director Min (Moon Sung-geun), will be a must-see as they share their secrets and fall deeper in love. Especially after seeing Mi-hyun shed tears at the end of episodes 1-7 when she mentioned Doo-shik, we are looking forward to seeing what kind of poignant and affectionate romance they will have in episodes 8-9.

After releasing seven episodes in the first week on Disney+, “Moving” will release two episodes every Wednesday at 4 p.m. and three in the final week for a total of 20 episodes.